
Friday, July 12, 2024Contact: Andrew Chesser

The International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities (IFHA) have formalized their longstanding collaboration, recently signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

ILAC is the specialized body administering a global multilateral Mutual Recognition Arrangement among accreditation bodies responsible for accreditation of conformity assessment bodies, including testing laboratories.

The IFHA is the global leader for the international sport of thoroughbred racing. It seeks to promote all facets of the worldwide sport of thoroughbred racing; protect the welfare of the equine and human athletes; and protect and grow its global social and economic significance for current and future generations.

For more than 30 years, the use of ILAC G-7 document Accreditation requirements and Operating Criteria for Horseracing Laboratories (which can be viewed and downloaded here) has helped achieve greater consistency across horse racing laboratories, particularly in the area of anti-doping efforts. 

Both organisations look forward to continuing their collaboration for the ongoing maintenance of ILAC-G7 as an independent, third-party guidance document for horse racing laboratories.

It is further envisaged that under the MoU the collaboration be extended to:

  • related activities such as education regarding accreditation of horse racing laboratories and sharing of experience among assessors involved in the assessment of horse racing laboratories when applicable;
  • the facilitation of interlaboratory comparisons/Proficiency Testing programs;
  • encouraging the development of reference materials for drugs; and
  • continual updates for the accreditation community regarding changes to the allowed limits/thresholds of prohibited substances as defined by the IFHA.
You can view and download the MoU here.

Further information on the IFHA and its activities is available at:

About IFHA


The IFHA is a federation of more than 60 racing authorities from different countries and regions in the world.  It is the global leader for the international sport of Thoroughbred racing, seeking to promote all facets of the worldwide sport; protect the welfare of the equine and human athlete; and protect and grow its global social and economic significance for current and future generations.


Major areas of the IFHA’s activities include:


  • Making and amending the International Agreement on Breeding, Racing and Wagering
  • Policy development relating to welfare and safety of horses and riders
  • International race planning and grading (“black type”)
  • World rankings
  • The fight against equine prohibited substances and practices
  • Harmonisation of racing rules
  • Certification of IFHA reference laboratories
  • Fostering commercial development of the racing industry globally


The IFHA is a foundation member with Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) of the International Horse Sports Confederation and is affiliated to the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH).

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