Committees - Longines World's Best Racehorse Rankings Committee

Longines World's Best Racehorse Rankings Executive Committee (LWBRREC)

Longines World's Best Racehorse Rankings Executive Committee is a Sub-Committee of the International Grading and Race Planning Advisory Committee (IRPAC), and will report to it.

On June 2003, the members of the Executive Council approved the LWBRREC (then named the World Rankings Supervisory Committee -WRSC) composition and missions, as follows :





Co-Chairmen :

- 1 from Europe, nominated by EPC
- 1 from Asia, nominated by ARF

Members :

- 3 for Asia, nominated by ARF (including Co-Chairman)
- 3 for Europe, nominated by EPC (including Co-Chairman)
- 3 for Americas :

  • 2 nominated by North America
  • 1 nominated by OSAF.

Missions :

  • organise work between handicappers and the Longines World's Best Racehorse Rankings Committee
  • provide official ratings to all International Bodies and Racing Organisers
  • co-ordinate the publishing of ratings throughout the world
  • advise any country on implementation of a classification system
  • create and update an IFHA Web site with all international ratings.

The Committee will propose terms of reference to IRPAC.

The annual Longines World's Best Racehorse Rankings Committee Conference, which compiles the annual World Rankings, is open to handicappers of all countries concerned.

The Conference is chaired by the co-Chairmen.



  • Three for Asia, nominated by ARF :
Nigel Gray (Co-Chairman)
Ben Dunn
Shinichi Hashimoto
  • Three for Europe, nominated by EPC
Dominic Gardiner-Hill (Co-Chairman)
Garry O’Gorman
Éric Le Guen
  • Three for Americas :
    - two nominated by North America

    - one nominated by OSAF
Tom Robbins & Andy Schweigardt (joint member with one shared vote)
Tim Lawson

Ricardo Ravagnani
  • Secretary

Lyn Bowker