Please download the white manual and annexes which detail the assessment process for labs to apply as an IFHA Reference Laboratory


In August 2017, it was announced by the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities (IFHA) that 5 analytical laboratories were appointed as an “IFHA Reference Laboratory”. The 5 labs are the following:

• (Australia) Racing Analytical Services Limited
• (France) Laboratoire Des Courses Hippiques
• (Great Britain) LGC Group, Sport & Specialised Analytical Services
• (Hong Kong) Hong Kong Jockey Club Racing Laboratory
• (USA) Kenneth L. Maddy Equine Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, University of California at Davis

In July 2022, following the approval by the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities (IFHA) Reference Laboratory Appointment Committee (RLAC), it was announced that the Laboratory of Racing Chemistry, Japan (LRC) was fully appointed as an IFHA Reference Laboratory. Following its application and a remote assessment that took place in 2021 due to the ongoing travel restrictions imposed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, LRC was granted provisional appointment as an IFHA Reference Laboratory in July 2021. An on-site assessment took place in June 2022 which resulted in a recommendation that LRC become the sixth appointed IFHA Reference Laboratory..

• (Japan) Laboratory of Racing Chemistry

To oversee the IFHA Lab Reference Program, two committees are in place.

The Reference Laboratory Appointment Committee (RLAC) decides on the appointment, suspension and revocation of appointment as an IFHA Reference Laboratory for applicants and those wishing to keep their appointment status. The objective of the Reference Laboratory Technical Committee (RLTC) is to train assessors appointed by the RLAC and act as a source of counsel to assessors and the RLAC on individual assessments, as well as to provide advice on revisions to the application process.

The makeup of those two committees is as follows:

Reference Laboratory Appointment Committee (RLAC)
• Andrew Harding: RLAC Chair (Executive Director IFHA; Executive Director, Racing, Hong Kong Jockey Club)
• Matt Iuliano (RLAC Member, Executive Vice President and Executive Director, US Jockey Club)
• Henri Pouret (RLAC Member, Direction Opérationnelle des Courses, Directeur Général Adjoint, France Galop)
• Dr Terence Wan, Ex Officio/Non-Voting (Chief Advisor, Doping Control, Hong Kong Jockey Club)

RLAC Secretary: James Ogilvy (Secretariat, Asian Racing Federation; Hong Kong Jockey Club, Executive Manager, Racing Authority (External))

Reference Laboratory Technical Committee (RLTC)
• Dr Terence Wan, RLTC Chair (Chief Advisor, Doping Control, Hong Kong Jockey Club)
• Dr Emmie Ho (Head of Racing Laboratory; Hong Kong Jockey Club Racing Laboratory)
• Dr Ludovic Bailly-Chouriberry (Laboratory Director, Laboratoire Des Courses Hippiques)
• David Batty (Laboratory Director, Racing Analytical Services Limited)
• Dr James Scarth (Laboratory Director, LGC Group, Sport & Specialised Analytical Services)
• Dr Ben Moeller (Kenneth L. Maddy Equine Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, University of California at Davis)

RLTC Secretary: James Ogilvy (Secretariat, Asian Racing Federation; Hong Kong Jockey Club, Executive Manager, Racing Authority (External))