Rankings Disclaimer

The LONGINES World’s Best Racehorse Rankings (‘Rankings’) are compiled by the LONGINES World’s Best Racehorse Rankings Committee (‘LWBRRC’) and published by the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities (‘IFHA’). The IFHA is the global leader for the international sport of thoroughbred racing, and seeks to promote all facets of thoroughbred racing, protect the welfare of the equine and human athlete, and protect and grow its global social and economic significance for current and future generations. Although the IFHA is not a regulatory body, it plays an important role in recommending good practices and promoting harmonisation with respect to the regulation of racing.

The LWBRRC (Executive Committee) determines the annual Rankings by identifying those horses (three years old and up) which have achieved a rating of 115 or higher during the relevant year, along with the distance and racing surface over which they achieved their peak rating. The annual Rankings are determined at the end of each year based on a horse’s peak performance during that year following a detailed consideration by the LWBRRC (Executive Committee) of the ratings submitted by national handicappers. The LWBRRC (Executive Committee) take into account a wide range of factors (e.g. finishing position, beaten margin, strength of field, comparative weights carried, weight-for-age allowance, track conditions, speed of race). The LWBRRC co-chairmen, in consultation with the LWBRRC, determine the interim Rankings – which are not determinative for the annual Rankings – on a monthly basis from March to November each year.

While all care has been taken by the LWBRRC and the IFHA in compiling and publishing the Rankings, they accept no liability for any defects, errors or omissions in the Rankings. In the event of any defects, errors or omissions, the liability of the LWBRRC and the IFHA shall be limited to providing the Rankings again. Use of the Rankings by any person is at their own risk.